Keep in touch with Architectural Education in Bournemouth and the students of architecture at the
Arts University Bournemouth.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weekend Exhibition

If you are planning to drop in to the Urban Beach in London on 3rd July, why not stop at another exhibition:

Allies and Morrison: Model making as part of the design process

at their studios:
85 Southwark Street (close by Tate Modern and Gatehouse Square)
10am-1pm Saturday 3rd July 2010

and see the building site and designs for the new extension to Tate Modern across the road 10am to 4pm:

Transforming Tate Modern

then join us for refreshment and hang out on the beach........2pm onwards

and sign up to build a theatre, yes a working theatre, out of junk, just around the corner from the beach hut:

Recycle Reuse Workshop with Martin Kaltwasser

3pm or 5pm times available Saturday 3rd July 2010 (build for an hour!).