Keep in touch with Architectural Education in Bournemouth and the students of architecture at the
Arts University Bournemouth.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

AUCB students at Roche Court, New Art Centre, Wiltshire.

Architecture Seminar - Thursday 7 July, 10.30am - 4pm
Roche Court  hosted a day devoted to art and architecture. Guest speakers included award winning architect Stephen Marshall, who designed all three contemporary buildings at Roche Court; Practice Architecture, whose partners are Lettice Drake, Paloma Gormley and Henry Stringer, and whose 'Bench 1' is used as part of our education programme; and Catherine Croft from the Twentieth Century Society. Participants had the the opportunity to see Michael Craig-Martin's exhibition of new works in the Park and Gallery.

Photos of Bench 1 by Practice Architecture.
Photos from Mark Allner, one of our small delegation of participants from AUCB.