We can't promise a picture everyday, but a sunny May morning on Mudeford Spit refreshes the architectural mind. Adam's House in Paradise or Laugier's Primitive Hut...plus solar panels.

But while value to the architect is in the material form and placement in the landscape, the atmosphere (Zumthor) and the genius loci (Norberg-Schulz), the estate agent sees PROPERTY, even in an era of austerity.

“Occupying one of the most enviable positions on the sand spit of Mudeford this front line hut to the harbour enjoys uninterrupted views across the Harbour and beyond onto Christchurch Priory and Hengistbury Head. The hut itself has the benefit of being on galvanised steel foundations and has an additional benefit of UPVC double glazing windows and doors with electricity supplied by solar panels. The Hut measures approximately 16' x 11' with open plan accommodation with two bunks in one corner, cooking area and mezzanie area in the pitched roof, access via wooden ladders and front bench seating which could be made into king size beddings, but at present is two singles. A raised decked veranda has steps that lead down onto the shore side and to the rear the property there is a door opening onto a sandy beach. We understand from the property owners that the hut rents out throughout the season. 0ffers over £120,000”